Friday, October 25, 2013

About Juice
       When I first went to read it I hoped that it would not be like the previously assigned reading but would rather have a coherent and understandable theme to follow through what I at the time supposed would be a single story. This is not what I found. I found a hidden theme of obsession and loneliness in four separate stories about four unconnected people.
        On their loneliness; Their loneliness is somewhat self inflicted and is not due to not being surrounded by people, except in Translation, in Proportion Surviving the loneliness is caused by an apple drought which caused the narrator to be unable to obtain their favorite beverage fresh, not like in No Through Street where the narrator lost contact with all they loved through development and wandering, both are a different kind of lonely from the loneliness in First Sleep which is the loneliness of losing someone, just one person, close to you without an understanding of why. All of these latter loneliness's seem insignificant however when compared with the loneliness and abandonment of Translation.
         On their obsessions; the first narrator is obsessed with the mountains, obviously, she will not leave them she sees them as her world and she talks to them near the end of her sanity as she is alone. The second narrator is quite obsessed with apple juice, she writes poems about is, goes on strikes for it, and even gets unreasonably depressed over the lack of it. The third narrator is completely caught up in trains, she spent fifteen years on them, if she is to believed. The forth narrator is obsessed with sleep, it is all she does. She sleeps with short interludes of awareness in which she describes the world around her.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts on reading/writing fiction here the past couple of weeks, keep going, keep thinking about it.
